
  01 January 2012

Article summary

We can’t ignore the fact that we are born with Restlessness. Let’s try to understand where we got mistaken from the very beginning and how we got this misunderstanding, and yes, how far this has been misleading us!

Let’s revise back to the moment we came to this world. Of course I know you can’t remember that moment. So let’s think about the experience of a new born to understand our own conditions & emotions.

Do you think new born babies are stressed or restlessWell, yes they are… It's only the level of stress is different from an adult.  Mostly their level of stress is lesser than an adult.

But, how is it possible? You must be thinking now, that a new born doesn't have reasons to be stress... as soon as they come to the world what kind of stress or restlessness they can have? Well, let's find out the answer....

Remember, they cry from the very beginning… they enter to the world with tears… Because they are stress, restless… They have the problem of temperateness. They have the problem of starvation. The stress or restlessness which arose with the very basic need.

And of course the fear & sadness of losing the place where they used to be. The womb… yes the womb is quite like hell for the people whom are already born and grown, according to their knowledge. As long as You & I or anyone is there, that’s the heaven for us... for them. So worry of losing the place we already in love is always bring loads of worries for us.

So, as the new born still doesn’t have any communication methods they cry. They are trying their best to show they are stress, angry, sad and restless…

With the experiences, grown one are ready to cure their mind & body with the required facilities. They prepare with the basic facilities to the newborn before even they cry.  People are so used to this process now and they believe this is the natural system. So, it’s obvious that no questions arise with the system.

As soon as we fulfilled the new born baby’s wishes they stop crying. When mother hold the new born and feed him / her, the baby stop crying. The baby doesn’t know that it is his / her mother. But the baby recognize one thing for sure. That this is a beneficial person to his / her life.

How the law of impermanence related to this emotion?

It seems to be baby is restless because of impermanence.  Coz the baby arise in a certain place… it begin to change… and then when the baby comes out it was the end of the place where baby belonged.  In simple words baby lost his / her beloved place because of the law of impermanency.  But what happen when the baby settled down from the restlessness?  How it happened? Isn’t it again because of the law of impermanence?

Starvation aroused, changed when food are given, when the tummy is filled the end of the starvation happened.  When baby gets what he / she needs that also means the law of impermanency applied to the problem and it solved. 

So did you notice that the nature of impermanency sometime bring pain or suffering BUT at the same time it also cause to bring happiness and peace too? 

What happen if the law of impermanence wasn’t there in this world? 

That baby will have to stay in the womb forever… nothing will change… everything will be stuck at one point… if that point is peaceful or comfortable that one feels good for sure… but what if that point is with restlessness, stressed, very uncomfortable point?

Be wise… think wise… let’s continue with the wisdom!